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From the Grower

Selection Practices:

First and foremost I select cannabis for the character and quality of the effect, medical value, and potency. Whether in a sativa or indica package, I prefer cannabis that is feel-good and happy and that lends a sense of uplift and creativity. Whether as a result of relief from symptoms, or from sheer cannabis induced euphoria, but ideally a combination of both. The different effects felt from consuming cannabis are incredibly diverse and nuanced, similar to the plant itself. There are countless combinations, from high highs, to low stones, and middle of the road balanced effects which take aspects of both. Cannabis flower runs the gamut between sedative effects, stimulant effects, to the psychedelic, and everything in between. I appreciate each type of effect equally, although time of consumption and environment is key as these are different drug types in a sense and serve differing purposes. There is great potential and value in each of these profiles as medicine, but proper selection and thorough smoke testing is key. And as different people can experience differing feelings from consuming the same sample, I find it absolutely vital to make sure and have multiple people test each sample before final selection.

After considering the effect of a sample, I take note of the finer qualities of the smell and flavor as well as the strength of both, and judge accordingly. I always prefer a variety with a more potent smell and richer taste, however often times these phenotypes fall short effects wise. The challenge for me (as a grower) is selecting a phenotype that combines the powerful rich aroma and taste that we all love, with an equally powerful and rich effect that is multi layered and memorable, and then taking the time to learn to cultivate it in a way that makes it commercially viable. Never select for yield before any of these prior things.. that is the pitfall that many growers and breeders have fallen into.

I consider the aesthetic visual qualities next, and though they do not affect the experience of consumption, they are very welcome traits. This includes bud structure, coloration, bag appeal etc. If in the very unlikely scenario that multiple phenotypes pass all of the previous tests on equal footing, I will look to growth characteristics such as vigor, yield, growth habit, and so on in order to make a proper selection. In almost every selection I've ever done, there is usually one standout plant that is leagues ahead of all the others in quality among the seed lot that it came out of. If the genetics are really incredible, it is possible to see more than one come out of a batch and make it to ultimate consideration although it is very rare in my experience. It all ultimately depends upon what you as the grower are selecting for, and what your standards are for selection.

Across the board, I cull any plants with effects that lend to being confusing, dark/depressing, disorienting, dizzying, or panic inducing, as I find these to be generally undesirable effects in cannabis. There are sometimes exceptions to these rules but more or less they hold true for my selections. Now all that said and given that there is no one variety of cannabis that can treat every condition or provide the entire spectrum of effects and flavors, I endeavor to keep a full range of unique and clearly distinct mother plants in rotation to cover all bases. 

Personal Motivation:

Through my own personal experiences and by absorbing the countless experiences of others, I have become fully convinced in cannabis as a healing plant and as a medicine for body, mind and spirit. I am forever grateful for the opportunity to work with these amazing plants and to have the chance to provide others with a natural medicine which can help them to promote a better outlook on their life, or provide them comfort by easing their pain in a safe way that pharmaceuticals cannot offer. In growing my business and my garden, my goal has always been to be able to support myself and my family doing something that I love and believe in wholeheartedly, while endeavoring to provide something to others which can have a positive impact on their lives and wellbeing. All this while at the same time doing my best to contribute something positive and meaningful back to the cannabis community. 

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